
Simplicity and Clarity by Design

Rubic’s Cube Solution

Way back in 1980 I spent the year in Munich, Germany going to school. I was in 9th grade at the time and attended an international school South of Munich. During that year the Rubic’s Cube became popular and I like many other school kids had one. It took me a while to figure out how to manipulate the cube in order to complete one side (all nine squares had the same color on that side). Of course, the goal was to figure out how to complete all six sides. Working with friends I eventually figured out how to get most of the cube back to the “factory default” configuration. My friends and I never did figure out how to get the last few pieces into place. To get the last bit of the solution we had to look in a magazine where a solution was published.

I returned to the United States for 10th grade. In my English class we had an assignment to write a technical paper that explained how to perform some task. I decided to write down the solution for the Rubic’s Cube. The attached PDF file contains that solution.

Now, 27+ years later I look back at that writing and can see that even at that young age I was a real sarcastic little sh*t. The whole paper is just dripping with sarcastic remarks. Wow! Not a lot has changed in all these years. I’m not sure that is a good thing, but at least I recognize it for what it is.

Enjoy the solution – I hope it helps you solve the Rubic’s Cube if that is your goal.
